Thursday, December 24, 2009

Winter Wonderland

This would be nicer as a printed card but time got away from me again this year. I hope there's a lot of it in 2010. Some years seem to have more in them than others.

These are the Thompson Ice Shelves with some holiday adornment. The thick ice shelves are left behind when the high tides recede. Then the ice slowly crumbles away without water underneath to support it. This is fun to watch especially during an aurora andrealis, or so Gnemo tells me. Here it is without the Christmas angels:


  1. This is lovely and chilly feeling Tom. :-) Have missed seeing you online...

    I was *just* able to get cards out this year at the last possible moment. (Email me your snail mail address - I'd love to send you one).

    Hope you are well, warm and happy?

  2. Beautiful work!
    I wish a lot that the snow fall some day here like happen on your drawing... but here is summer!!!
    Is a pleasure to visit your blog!
    best wishes and happy new year, from Argentina,

  3. Been out for a while, just getting around to seeing your Christmas Card. Very nice.

  4. Thanks all. I'd almost forgot how to post blogs it's been so, so long. Anyway, thank you. I'm taking baby steps now getting back into this.

    After I did this painting I spent some time carefully studying snow and ice. I'll need to show what I've learned at some point.
