Monday, April 23, 2007

Black Lines Two

These Door Demons were all drawn on the same page. I separated them out for you. All of these drawings were all done with a Pigma Pen and they were all done for fun. Even though there’s not much of a market for me with this medium I still can’t resist the call of the pen. See my previous post: Black Lines (you'll have to scan down to it). Also, please go and take a look at my newest Gnemo posts: Gnemo's Sketchbook.

This one (above) is my favorite of the Door Demon group. I like that it is loosely organic.

I had to do a close-up of his face.

I often do things in reverse so this little thumbnail was the last thing I drew. My thinking is that once I know what I want I can step back and think about it in more graphic terms. This doesn't explain why in my normal life I often do things in reverse as well.

I keep meaning to post something to Illustration Friday. This would've been one if I didn't get distracted. It's called "Hide."

The above would've been my first post to Drawer Geeks. I think I'm approved but I haven't actually tried to post anything yet. With both art blogs it's easier to do the assignments than it is to post them. It's called "Grrr Face."


  1. love the hide guy. but I almost wish there was a prop or some accident on him or something like that to focus interest.

  2. the door guys seem rackham-esque-ly delightful. Would be funny if the door was transparent like a screen door or one of thos ultra-modern ones with the windows.

  3. thanks for your comments.....i admire your use of colors and painting abilities..great blog

  4. I actually love seeing that scritchy-style of pen-work. It's a little more spontaneous, and shows off your style in a different way.

  5. Love pen work! I'm always wishing for more excuses to work in it...
