Monday, June 25, 2007

Naked Lunch

Does giving something a literary title make it anymore sophisticated? Nope.

Above is the version I drew in someone's copy of Kiddography. This was scanned from a photocopy. My scanner died the day before I had to ship that book off. I think that I like the cowgirl version better. You really shouldn't be trying to ride a Tyrannosaur naked. This creature's rough hide is bound to give you dino sores.

Yet another new Gnemo entry too: Gnemo's Sketchbook


  1. I think trying to ride dinosaurs in general is probably not a good idea clothed or not, especially the man eating type.

  2. Great to have you back with us and sharing the goods.
    Ya know -I never thought about the comfort of riding a dino - now I can't stop. If they are so closely related to birds, would they have feathers to cushion the ride? See - now look what you have started.
    Love that big fat tail on him - so cool.

  3. Wow, I love to see pure analog Artworx, especially such good ones. Very rare today!
    (The Tyranno looks more intelligent as he really was!?)

  4. Dino sores! Ha!

    Glad you re-emerged. :-)

  5. naked babe on dinosaur.
    well that ticks all my boxes.

    so much so that I drew a babe on a dinosaur once myself. I was trying for sexy and sultry but she ended up looking a bit annoyed. (the girl not the dinosaur)

  6. haha! yeaaaaah some protective clothing would be smart. But the figure looks nice without them

  7. Chicks and dinousaurs you can't go wrong! great drawing
