Saturday, July 14, 2007

Can I Have a Three Way?

That subject title is something that I asked my wife one day. Her response will come later but what I’m referring to here is that I’m posting to all three of my blogs today.

The title of the painting above is “Out On a Limb.” It is 12X15” and it is an oil painting. I’d planned to do a step-by-step for this but I can’t find the other shots of the painting in progress. That’s the way things have been going lately. Each day some new time-consuming costly surprise arrives. Combine those with problems I’ve been putting off, say like a visit to my dentist and some car repairs, and it’s been a troublesome few weeks.

The finished painting at top was started as a demo for the Society of Creative Arts of Newtown (SCAN). Below the painting is the drawing I loosely based the painting on. I wasn’t able to complete it there so I took it back to the studio. Below the drawing is the one step in the process I could find.

And below this is a close-up. I scanned it just to test out my new scanner. It’s a little off in color but not too bad. I usually don’t like how paintings scan. Digital photos are better because you can control the light.

Here are the other two blog links:

Gnemo’s Sketchbook

Shutterbuggy Kidd

Oh, and how did my wife respond when I asked her for a three-way? She handed me a light bulb of course. What did you expect, something out of Penthouse Forum? That story’s real fly-on-the-wall/slice-of-life from “Tales of the Kidd House.” You can file that under ‘the most boring of non-fiction.’

PS: Earlier today I made some small changes to the paining. I can never leave things alone.


  1. Ha! Good one!
    As for the painting, very pretty subject, and well-executed.

  2. I see you treat your tree branches with the same TLC as you do with your clouds! I like it!

  3. A naked fairy is always nice, but I really like the tangle of tree limbs in this one along with the atmospheric perspective.

  4. Wonderful painting!

  5. It must be fun being you. Very nice painting.

  6. It must be fun being you. Very nice painting.

  7. thanks for sharing. great painting!

  8. Tom - That's just gorgeous. I was delighted to see your work up close and personal at Necon this past weekend. I couldn't decide what piece I wanted to buy (besides the one I couldn't afford), but my indecision kept me from getting back to buy any. However, I will get one of those beauties some day soon!

    I'm sorry I never got a chance to meet you over the weekend. I wanted to gush like a school girl and let you know that I find your work stunning, compelling and delightful. I do hope you'll be a returning "camper."

    Hugs from CT,

  9. Hi Tom, very nice painting and great that you show us the steps.

  10. Doug, I'm most funny by accident. Considering the 3-way story you can conclude I'm not that funny. Thanks though.

    Bruce, I like to study nature when I work on something. For this painting I did a lot of walking around looking at trees and the naked ladies that wander the woods.

    Michael, I like the portrait of Rachel you did. Maybe I should say that on your blog.

    Thanks Cara.

    Marcelo, sadly it's not much fun being me. I'm not sure why, born that way I guess, but it isn't. Painting and drawing is my therapy. Life without it would be pretty hard.

    Thanks Tobias.

    Hi Fran, Cortney tells me that you're a wonderful person and that it's too bad I didn't meet you. Necon was fun. I definitely want to go back. Next time I'll give a slideshow there. As guest artist I should've done it at that Necon . . . but sometimes I can be very lazy.

    Stefan, I wish I could've found more of the pictures I took of the steps. Usually I'm good about filing pictures where I can find them but I screwed up this time. Thanks though.

  11. my bad...the penthouse thing was the first to pop into MY mind,:o but i did immediately rule out that it was what YOU meant! lol! hey, i visited your painting a couple of days ago! me and my siblings went to the sci-fi museum in seattle. they loved it!
